Sabtu, 26 November 2011


Antara peristiwa Tekken 5 dan Tekken 6, dimulai dengan Anna Williams menyiapkan umpan untuk adiknya, Nina Williams, yang saat ini bekerja dengan kepala baru dari zaibatsu Mishima, Jin Kazama. Anna, di sisi lain, bekerja untuk ayah Jin, Kazuya Mishima dan organisasi saingan, G Corporation. Keduanya mencari informasi tentang seorang siswa bernama Shin Kamiya, dan Anna mengirimkan sebagai mahasiswa Ling Xiaoyu Cina untuk bertindak sebagai mata-mata, sementara Jin mengirim robot humanoid Alisa Bosconovitch untuk tujuan yang sama.

Selama investigasi mereka, Xiaoyu dan Alisa bentuk persahabatan, meskipun mereka dipaksa untuk berbalik melawan satu sama lain ketika Shin ditangkap oleh penyerang yang tidak dikenal. Hal ini di sini bahwa Alisa diturunkan menjadi robot - meskipun Alisa percaya dia memiliki kualitas manusia setelah ia suku cadang kehidupan Xiaoyu itu. Setelah datang ke berdamai dengan satu sama lain, Xiaoyu ditinggalkan oleh Anna dan G Corporation, dan dua gadis lari dari organisasi sebelumnya, berlindung pada guru mereka, rumah Lee Chaolan itu.

Dates Released : 1 september 2011
Info                   :
Genre                : Action | Animation

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Cyst on an Ovary

The Real Cause Of Ovarian Cysts

An Ovarian cyst is a collection of fluids surrounded by a slender wall within the ovary. Ovarian cysts raise concern among many women, especially in childbearing age.  While the majority of ovarian cysts are simply functional in nature, some ovarian cysts can turn out to be cancerous.  The first step of correctly diagnosing and treating ovarian cysts is to identify the cause of the disease. However, there is no single cause of ovarian cysts. Ovarian cysts can be triggered by a variety of primary factors and secondary factors. It is imperative to understand these different factors in order to seek appropriate treatment.

Primary factors of ovarian cysts:

There are several primary factors and a combination of these factors which lead to ovarian cysts formation.

  1. Genetic predisposition: Genetic predisposition is often considered to be the primary cause of ovarian cysts as research has shown that the genetic pattern of women who suffer from this chronic condition is far different compared to women who have never suffered from ovarian cysts or PCOS. PCOS women are often predisposed to abnormal metabolism and the dysfunctions of cell activity. However, this should not be a death warrant as many times the genetic characteristics can be modified with the help of environmental factors and proper lifestyle related changes.
  2. Poor dietary choices: Different types of foods including refined carbohydrates, acidic foods and foods which contain high levels of toxins and hormone like substances can trigger hormonal imbalance and can weaken your immune system making you more susceptible to ovarian cysts. Similarly a diet rich in sugar and low on fresh vegetables can make the task of flushing out toxins difficult thereby aggravating your ovarian cyst condition.
  3. Weak immune system: Poor dietary choices, stress and sleep deprivation can lead to a weakened immune system. A weakened immune system invites cannot defend the body against ovarian cyst formation.
  4. Insulin resistance: High level of insulin can stimulate ovarian androgen production, which leads to the production of male hormones. This reduces the serum sex-hormone binding globulin or SHGB. The SHBG can in turn aggravate your ovarian cyst condition to quite an extent.
  5. Failed ovulation process: When the ovaries fail to release an egg on a monthly basis due to certain metabolic disorders and because progesterone isn't produced it can trigger the formation of ovarian cysts as the immature follicles develop into cysts.

Besides the above primary factors, toxins in the liver and blood and even environmental toxins can increase the chances of ovarian cysts formation.

The only way to effectively treat and prevent ovarian cysts is by using a multidimensional holistic approach to healing.

Unlike the conventional approach which deals with the inflicted organ or with the symptoms of the disease (and the treatment in often aggressive with a myriad of side effects), the holistic approach treats every disease as part of a whole by firstly restoring natural balance to the body while naturally tackling each causative factor which lead to the condition. In this way, the holistic approach to treating ovarian cysts offers a long term, safe and gentle solution without the side effects of drugs or the risk of surgery while ensuring the prevention of future ovarian cyst recurrence.   

This article is based on the book, "Ovarian Cyst Miracle" by Carol Foster. Carol is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic ovarian cyst solution guaranteed to permanently cure all types of ovarian cysts and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, naturally, without the use prescription medication or surgery, and without any side effects. Learn more by visiting her website: 


Yeast Infection Candidiasis

Candida Yeast Infection Treatment : Desensitization (EPD ) For Candida

There is a relatively effective though one-dimensional treatment for candida yeast infection called immunotherapy. In this treatment yeast infection patients are ordered to avoid the consumption of basically all yeasty foods and sugary foods and are given allergenic substance in dilute doses normally in the form of oral drops or injection to enhance the immune abilities of the body and reduce the allergic response.

The method also called Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD) was developed by Len McEwen, M.D. (London) in the mid-60's. The newest form of this treatment is called Low Dose Allergens or LDA.

In this treatment the patients receive up to three injections every two months and for a maximum period of two years, depending on the patients response to the therapy. The enzymes are suppose to enhance the candida infection strength and may treat several other groups of allergens along the way.

The EPD treatment for candida yeast infection goes like this:

For a period of ten days before the first injection, the patients are given Sporanox, which is an anti fungal for systematic candida, and De-Nol an anti- gastric ulcer agent that reduces the ability of candida to plant its roots in the mucus linings of the intestinal tract.

For approximately 3 days before the injection, patients undergo a semi-fast in which they need to avoid the consumption of all food allergens combined with the intake of the following supplements that improve the effectiveness of the EPD treatment: Zinc, Folic acid and Vitamin D3.

The response of the EPD treatment for candida yeast infection varies among patients. Some patients may experience sudden and dramatic improvement that wears off in time while some need increased doses through longer intervals until improvement is maintained.

Either way, EPD is not a permanent solution for candida. EPD is after all a one-dimensional treatment that focuses merely on the dietary and allergy reaction factor that trigger candida overgrowth. EPD’s effects wear off in time and If you have significant gut problems, bacterial infections, parasites or systematic candida, EPD will not work.

The only way one can ever overcome candida yeast infection is by tackling all candida-contributing factors, the holistic way, not just the dietary or allergy triggering factors. By fixing the internal cause of candida overgrowth, all candida related symptoms would banish, permanently along with the feeling of increased energy, improved vision, health and well-being.

This article is based on the book, "Yeast Infection No More" by Linda Allen. Linda is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic yeast infection solution guaranteed to permanently cure the root of candida and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, naturally, without the use prescription medication and without any side effects. Learn more by visiting her website:  Click Here


Minggu, 20 November 2011

3d Animation Software

3D Computer Animation: The Skills and Training You Need

3d animation or graphics make use of a 3 dimensional depiction of content that is in geometric form for the reason of rendering images that are in two dimensional forms. The usage of 3d animation may be immense. It may be used in computer graphic applications, making 3d animation games and even cartoon films for the kids. 3d animation may also be used in corporate reports and in websites and consequently because of their three dimensional nature make a better impact and sound understanding.

Similarity and difference between 3d animation and 2d animation

Although there is an entire dimension addition in 3d animation when compared to 2d, yet the basic algorithm on which 3d animation rely upon is the same in both the case. This simailarity is apparent in the wire frame format mainly.

The difference between the 2d and 3d animation is not enough. They both use each other to get the desired effects. For example 2d animation uses 3d effects like lighting and at the same time, the 3d animation uses rendering techniques that are taught in 2d. although there are differences like a 3d animation is technically not a graphic till the time it is rendered in such a way that visually it attains the stature of 3d. Thus, in order to be trained in 3d animation, one needs to be skilled in 2d graphics as well.

3d animation training

Bringing characters to life is not as easy as it appears. It needs a lot of practice and hard work. Although with a proper training in visual effects and an in-depth knowledge of 2d graphics and 3d animation, one can easily create, out of the world website, design products, make games that truly belong to the next generation and much more.

The answer such high goals and aspirations is a thorough and strong knowledge of Graphics and the various packages that may help you to render a sketch into life. Some of the packages that may make you a skilled in 3d animation are flash, macromedia etc. But before you know such 3d animation packages, it’s always advised to have an idea and perfection in packages like Photoshop that forms the basis of any graphic activity.

The 3d animation is taught in various schools and institutes focused in animation and communication design. Different institutes have different curriculum to offer its students in order to train them into skilled animators. Usually, computer animation courses include 2d and 3d animation, digital arts, digital animation course, editing and visual effect course etc.

The best part about 3d animation is that even professionals can excel the art by doing some online courses in the same field that enriches their art further and make them further skilled and expertise animators.

The Basic 3d animation knowledge

·Developing primary characters by using bouncing ball principle.
·Understanding the anatomy of the character and setting models with the help of knowledge in proportions.
·Colour theory knowledge.
·Bone structure and skin textures.
·Colour rendering.

The Intermediate 3d animation skills
·Modeling the character and understanding mesh tool.
·Shading skills
·Sketching and rigging skills.
·Software knowledge and making their use.

Advanced 3d animation training
·Conceptualizing an animation along with facial features and creating full fleshed characters.
·Making short animation movie.
·Shading, lighting and rendering using layers.
·Giving the final fluid effect. Practically using all the packages together along with sketching to get the perfection in 3d animation.
Top 5 3D Animated Films And Characters Of All Time

The magical spells that animated cartoon characters cast, are eternal and never cease to leave the audience spellbound. From tiny tots to their beloved grandparents, none can deny that these animated cartoons have those splendid, special secrets about them that make them leave an everlasting impression on the minds of the spectators.

So what is it about them that are so stunning? Is it the magnificence of the technology combined with art that astonishes the audience? Or is it their ability to transform us into an entirely different world that captivates the minds of million? Whatever be it, the few hours of immense cheerfulness that they bring into our lives is unmatched and leaves us only asking for more. 

The world has watched the performances of plenty such fun filled movies yet there are a select few which have become legends in the world of animated pictures. So what are the top 5 all time favorite animated cartoons? And what makes them more special than the others?

1) The Lion King:

The life of Simba is beautifully portrayed in the movie starting from its childhood and the years that followed leading to a mature king who efficiently saves the land of pride from wrong hands and rules over it successfully. The assortments of emotions displayed by the Lion and all the other characters are enthralling!!!

2)  Finding Nemo

No body needs to be reminded of this movie which was the only one to top the Lion King at the box office. The adventurous pursuit of Marlin in finding Nemo in conjunction with Dory is considered one of the most enjoyable escapades ever in the history of animated cartoons.

3) Ratatouille

An impossible dream of a rat aspiring to become a chef was an entirely novel concept that was greeted well by the audience. Remy’s role as a secret chef in a French restaurant is an excellent recipe for laughter. The culinary world of Paris becoming topsy-turvy because of a rat race is perfectly depicted in the film.

4) Shrek

An attempt to regain his swamp from a King, leads the green ogre, Shrek in a path of love that he has never tread before. The movie takes us into a fun filled journey, led by Shrek his pal donkey and his new found love Princess Fiona. The tag line that quotes ‘The greatest fairy tale never told’ is just a fitting description to the movie.
5 Ice Age:
When the whole animal kingdom was frightened by the upcoming Ice Age, four animals Sid (sloth), Diego (tiger) Scrat (Squirrel) and Manny (mammoth) are united in a mission of returning a human infant to his father. The obstacles faced by this unusual group of heroes simply during their mission left the audience simply astound.

Though each and every animated cartoon is unique in its own way, they are all united by one universal theme of love. They convey to us the message that life in any form deserves respect. 



Jumat, 18 November 2011

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    Fatal Frame 4 WII


    10 years ago, five girls were kidnapped by a Yō Haibara, a suspected serial killer, from their rooms in a mysterious sanatorium on Rougetsu Island, located south of Honshu. They were eventually rescued by Chōshirō Kirishima, a detective pursuing the criminal. Several years after the incident, two of the girls, Marie Shinomiya and Tomoe Nanamura, died mysteriously. The three remaining girls, Ruka Minazuki, Misaki Asō and Madoka Tsukimori, all now 17 years old, return to the island to recover their lost memories and find out more about their kidnapping. Chōshirō also returns to find Ruka in her mother's request



    Kamis, 17 November 2011

    Movies on Online

    Don’t have the time or money to go to the movies? There is a solution. One that is convenient, unlimited, and suited to your lifestyle. Thanks to the evolution of technology, digital movie downloads are fast becoming the preferred means that movie lovers watch their movies-from the comforts of their homes, when and how they wish. All you need is a computer or a tv, and a quality movie download site to get your movies from; and then, presto, you have a home theater!

    The Digital Movie Craze
    So, what is the digital movie craze? Of course, you have probably heard about digital movies for download, and probably..downloaded them yourself: for four dollars, ten dollars, or maybe even twenty dollars. Or maybe, your experience with digital movie downloads was that you joined some free file transferring or movie download site, and were left with partial downloads and less than adequate movie quality. Though convenient and sometimes less expensive than the theater, digital movie downloads can offer a better home theater experience-one that is cheaper and better quality. All you need is a computer or tv!

    The Perfect Home Theater
    So, what makes for the perfect home movie theater? Think you need red velvet seats and a large movie screen? Nah! You can have just as much enjoyment-more than a theater experience-with much less expense. Aside from ample comfortable seating, the family pet curled up beside you, and pausing for bathroom and snack breaks-this is what the perfect home theater can look like:
    • Instant Full Length Movies: gives you instant access to many movie titles for unlimited access.
    • No P2P or file sharing is involved ever, they are a 100% legal movie provider.
    • Unlimited Viewing: isn’t like a movie theater or other movie download site, where you view the movie once, and that’s it. Instead, once you have a movie membership, and have downloaded a movie-you own it for life-meaning you can watch as many times as you like; forever after-as if it were sitting on a shelf next to your tv or computer.
    • Unrestricted Viewing: also doesn’t put any restrictions on when you watch or which movies you watch. With a movie membership from, you can any movie titles, 24 hours a day-365 days a year. No restrictions.
      More than Affordable: offers movie download memberships in 3 month, 1 year, and 5 year memberships-at unlimited viewing costs for a fraction of the cost of theater and other video download sites. 



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    ClixSense is a service that will pay you just to click and view ads provided. The more you click and view ads, then your earnings will be even greater.How much can I for one click / view?Clixsense pay you $ 0.01 (approximately USD 100, -) up to $ 5 (approximately Rp. 45.000, -) for each ad that you see. For each click / view, Clixsense requires you to not close the window ad within 30 seconds.1. ProcessAfter registering, you are required to regularly visit into your account and then clicking the ad links provided. This program will pay your $ 0.01 to $ 5 for each site or ads that you visit. These ads every day is automatically available in our account.2. MembershipThere are two types of membership, regular and premium. For regular membership, you only get a ration of 3-5 ads per day. But if you upgrade to a premium member for $ 10 per year, then every day you'll be treated to 180 to 200 over link ads!3. Counts of the CommissionSuch as you have already signed up as a premium member and every day you were given only 180 link ad worth 1 cent, then in a day we will have revenues of 180 x $ 0.01 = $ 1.8. Thus, in a month you will earn money amounting to $ 1.8 x 30 = $ 54. Pretty is not it?Link 180 x $ 0.01 = $ 1.8 / day$ 1.8 x 30 = $ 54 / month4. PaymentClixSense using the method of payment by check. For the minimum payment we can set yourself. The smallest is $ 10. But better to choose the minimum payment is greater. For example $ 100. Because if the $ 10, after the cut administrative costs, it will become depleted.

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    Rabu, 16 November 2011

    Human Anatomy and Physiology

    Exercise physiologists study and understand the underlying physiological proponents of movement and activity of the body, and provide treatment to patients based on this analysis. Professionals in this field offer treatments that focus on health and fitness to patients with a broad range of conditions, illnesses and rehabilitation needs. They also work with athletes to help them adapt to rigorous exercise and training. To become a professional in this rewarding field, you must either have a degree in exercise physiology or be certified by the American Society of Exercise Physiology (ASEP) by passing the Exercise Physiologist Certification exam also knows as ECP. You can also further your degree with a bachelor's or doctorate to broaden your career options. When learning how to become an accredited exercise physiologist, you must prepare carefully to achieve success.


    1. Think about your motivation for wanting to become an accredited exercise physiologist.
      • If you enjoy sports, exercise and helping people, you will probably enjoy a career in exercise physiology.
    2. Research the job descriptions of an exercise physiologist and understand that you will be working closely with people daily, and helping individuals who are ill or disabled.
    3. Check out various colleges and higher education institutions to find those that offer an academic program in exercise physiology.
      • If possible, choose a school that is accredited by ASEP for the best credentials in the field.
    4. Decide what type of degree in exercise physiology you want to pursue. Understand that if you have a higher degree such as a doctorate, you will have more career choices.
      • An academic adviser can help you make the right decisions about your courses as you work towards becoming an accredited exercise physiologist.
    5. Discuss your options and ask any questions about the field that you might have before you start an academic program.
    6. Plan your academic schedule so that you have time each quarter or semester for all of the courses and labs you will need to take.


    • When learning how to become an accredited exercise physiologist, think about what you would like to do for your future career. Exercise physiologists have many career options, including health club instructors, sports consultants, fitness instructions, strength coaches and fitness experts in spas and resorts.
    • Remember that you must be board certified by ASEP to be an accredited exercise physiologist. There are many other programs available in which you might qualify to be a trainer, but you must have specific training and testing to be an exercise physiologist.
    • Be prepared to take many courses in science, biology and anatomy to become an accredited exercise physiologist. Other coursework will include math, health and chemistry.
    • If you are planning to become an accredited exercise physiologist, be prepared to take courses for continuing your education throughout your career to meet ASEP qualifications.


    • Do not expect becoming an accredited exercise physiologist to be easy. The coursework is challenging, but rewarding.
    • Do not choose a school to attend until you know exactly what programs and degrees they offer in exercise physiology.
    • Do not choose the field of exercise physiology until you are positive this is what you want to do for your career. Try job shadowing an exercise physiologist to see what to expect in an actual work environment.



    Selasa, 15 November 2011


    Sesungguhnya   segala   puji   bagi   Allah,   kami   memuji-Nya,   memohon pertolongan-Nya, kami memohon ampun dan bertaubat kepada-Nya. Kami berlindung  kepada-Nya  dari  kejahatan  diri-diri kami  dan  dari  keburukan amal perbuatan  kami.  Barangsiapa  yang diberi  petunjuk  oleh  Allah, tidak  ada yang dapat menyesatkannya, dan barangsiapa yang disesatkan oleh Allah, tidak ada yang  dapat  menunjukinya.  Aku  bersaksi  bahwa  tidak  ada  tuhan  yang  patut diibadahi dengan benar kecuali Allah, Maha Esa Dia, tiada sekutu bagi-Nya, dan aku bersaksi bahwa Muhammad adalah hamba dan rasul-Nya. 

    Manusia terbagi ke dalam dua jenis, orang-orang yang bertaubat dan kembali kepada Allah, dan orang-orang yang berbuat kesalahan, tidak ada jenis ketiga.

    Kita hidup di zaman dimana banyak orang telah menyimpang jauh dari agama Allah,  dan  dosa  dan  pelanggaran  sangat  menyebar  sehingga  tidak  ada  satu orang  pun  yang  tetap  terbebas  dari  noda  keburukan  kecuali  bagi  orang  yang dilindungi oleh Allah. 

    Namun    demikian,    Allah    tidak    mebiarkan    kecuali    bahwa    cahaya-Nya disempurnakan, sehingga banyak orang terbangun dari tidur panjang kelalaian. Mereka  menjadi  sadar  akan  kegagalan  memenuhi kewajiban  mereka  kepada Allah,  menyesali  kecerobohan  dan  dosa-dosa  mereka,  dan  karenanya mulai bergerak  menuju  cahaya  taubat.  Yang  lainnya  telah  merasa  letih  dengan kehidupan celaka yangpenuh sengsara, sehingga mereka mencari jalan keluar dari kegelapan menuju cahaya.

    Namun   orang-orang   ini   menemui   berbagai   rintangan   yang   mereka   pikir menghalangi  antara mereka  dan  taubat,  sebagian  diantaranya  terdapat  di dalam diri mereka, dan orang-orang lain di dunia ini di sekeliling mereka. 

    Untuk  alasan  inilah  saya  menulis  risalah  singkat  ini,  dengan  harapan  untuk menjernihkan  kebingungan ini,  mengusir  keraguan,  menjelaskan  hikmah  dan mengusir syaithan.

    Melanjutkan  pendahuluan  terdapat  pembahasan  ‘bahaya  meremehkan  dosa-dosa’, saya kemudian menjelaskan syarat-syarat taubat, pengobatan psikologis, dan fatwa berdasarkan dalil dari Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah, yang ditujukan kepada mereka yang bertaubat. Diikuti dengan nukilan perkataan dari sebagian ulama dan komentar saya sebagai kesimpulan.

    Saya  memohon  kepada  Allah  agar  hal  ini  dapat  bermanfaat  bagi  diriku  dan saudara-saudaraku  kaum  Muslimin.  Saya  tidak  meminta  kepada  saudara-saudaraku  kecuali  mereka  mendoakanku  dan  memberikan  nasihat  yang  tulus kepadaku. Semoga Allah menerima taubat kita semua.Amin..

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    Kisah 1001 Malam ; Abunawas

    Nama  Abu  Nawas  begitu  populernya  sehingga  cerita-cerita  yang  mengandung
    humor banyak yang dinisbatkan berasal dari Abu Nawas.
    Tokoh  semacam  Abu  Nawas  yang  mampu  mengatasi  berbagai  persoalan  rumit
    dengan style humor atau bahkan humor politis temyata juga tidak hanya ada di
    negeri Baghdad. Kita mengenal Syekh Juha yang hampir sama piawainya dengan
    Abu Nawas juga Nasaruddin Hoja sang sufi yang lucu namun cerdas. Kita juga
    mengenal Kabayari di Jawa Barat yang konyol namun temyata juga cerdas.
    Abu  Nawas!  Setelah  mati  pun  masih  bisa  membuat  orang  tertawa.  Di  depan
    makamnya  ada  pintu  gerbang  yang  terkunci  dengan  gembok  besar  sekali.
    Namun  di  kanan  kiri  pintu  gerbang  itu  pagarnya  bolong  sehingga  orang  bisa
    leluasa  masuk  untuk  berziarah  ke  makamnya.  Apa  maksudnya  dia  berbuat
    demikian. Mungkin itu adalah simbol watak Abu Nawas yang sepertinya tertutup 

    namun sebenarnya terbuka, ada sesuatu yang misteri pada diri Abu Nawas, ia
    sepertinya   bukan   orang   biasa,   bahkan   ada   yang   meyakini   bahwa   dari
    kesederhanaannya  ia  adalah  seorang  guru  sufi  namun  ia  tetap  dekat  dengan
    rakyat jelata bahkan konsis membela mereka yang lemah dan tertindas.
    Begitu  banyak  cerita  lain  yang  diadopsi  menjadi  Kisah  Abu  Nawas  sehingga
    kadang-kadang  cerita  tersebut  nggak  masuk  akal  bahkan  terlalu  menyakitkan
    orang  timur,  saya  curiga  jangan-jangan  cerita-cerita  Abu  Nawas  yang  sangat
    aneh  itu  sengaja  diciptakan  oleh  kaum  orientalis  untuk  menjelek-jelekkan
    masyarakat Islam. Karena itu membaca cerita Abu Nawas kita harus kritis dan

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    Islam adalah agama yang syumul (universal). Agama yang  mencakup  semua  sisi  kehidupan.  Tidak  ada suatu  masalah  pun,  dalam  kehidupan  ini,  yang  tidak dijelaskan. Dan tidak ada satu pun masalah yang tidak disentuh nilai Islam, walau masalah tersebut nampak kecil  dan  sepele. Itulah  Islam,  agama yang memberi rahmat bagi sekalian alam.
    Dalam  masalah  perkawinan,  Islam  telah  berbicara banyak.  Dari mulai  bagaimana  mencari  kriteria  bakal calon     pendamping     hidup,     hingga     bagaimana memperlakukannya kala resmi menjadi sang penyejuk hati.    Islam    menuntunnya.    Begitu    pula    Islam mengajarkan  bagaimana  mewujudkan  sebuah  pesta pernikahan  yang  meriah,  namun  tetap  mendapatkan berkah   dan   tidak   melanggar   tuntunan   sunnah Rasulullah  shallallahu  'alaihi  wa  sallam,  begitu  pula dengan  pernikahan  yang  sederhana  namun  tetap penuh dengan pesona. Islam mengajarkannya. 

    Akan  tetapi  dalam  buku  ini,  hanya  dibahas  tentang manfaat  menikah,  hal-hal  yang  berkaitan  dengan meminang  (khitbah),  akad  nikah,  rukun-rukun,  dan syarat-syaratnya  serta  pembahasan  tentang  pesta perkawinan  atau  walimatul ‘urs.    Semoga  kita  bisa mengambil  manfaat  dari  pembahasan-pembahasan tersebut.

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    How to Maximize the Speed of Your Internet Connection


    1. Check to see if faster internet connections are in your area. Fiber optic and cable internet tend to be faster than DSL and Dial-Up.
    2. Do some basic maintenance on your PC. Run Disk Defrag, a scan disk, a virus scan, a malware scan, and clear your recycle bin. An unusually slow Internet connection experience is often the only sign that your computer is infected with viruses or other malware. Delete old files and temporary files. Never allow the free space on your C: drive to be less than 10% of the total size or twice the installed RAM (which ever is larger). A well maintained PC will operate much better than a PC that has never had any maintenance. Google or your local computer repair store should be able to help you with this if you don't know how or you can use any good system cleaner and PC optimizer tool for free such as [ Registry Cleaner and Wise Disk Cleaner] or purchase something.
    3. Reset Your Home Network. Sometimes restarting (or unplugging and replugging the electric power on) your home network or your router -- if you have one -- will drastically increase the speed of your connection.
    4. Check your home network equipment in general. If you have multiple computers sharing a connection, make sure all the computers are physically connected to a router or switch, and not just to a hub. Hubs are "dumb", low-level equipment, while routers are capable of prioritizing and directing traffic effectively.
    5. Optimize your cache or temporary Internet files. These files improve your Internet connection performance by not downloading the same file over and over. When a web site puts their logo graphic on every page your computer only downloads a new one when it changes.
      • Caution: If you delete the temporary files (graphics and such), they must be downloaded again when you go to that site. If you disable the cache (loaded software, data), then it must be downloaded every time you view the page that uses it. This can be fixed by opening Internet Explorer, clicking on "Tools" at the top and choosing "Internet Options". On the General tab, click the "Settings" button next to Temporary Internet Files. Set a check mark for newer versions to handle downloading new versions "Automatically". Set the amount of disk space to use to 2% of your total harddisk size or 512 MB, which ever is smaller. On Firefox, click "Tools" then "Options," and go to the privacy tab. Then click on the Cache tab within this to set it to automatic.
    6. If you are using a Wireless router, make sure it doesn't conflict with a cordless phone or wireless camera. Wireless routers come in three varieties; 802.11 b, g, and n (2.4Ghz) or 802.11 a (5.8Ghz) If you are using a 2.4Ghz Cordless phone and 2.4Ghz Wireless router then your Internet connection speed will slow while you use the cordless phone. The same is true of wireless security cameras. Check on your phone and camera, if it's 900Mhz then it's fine. If it says 2.4Ghz or 5.8Ghz then it could be the cause of your slow connection speed while they're in use.
    7. Call your Internet service provider (ISP). Sometimes you just have bad service. They can usually tell if your connection is substandard without having a technician come to your home. Just be nice and ask.
    8. Upgrade your computer. If your computer is slow, it doesn't matter how fast your Internet connection is, the whole thing will just seem slow. You can only access the Internet as fast as your PC will allow you to.
    9. Upgrade your router/firewall equipment. Specifically, look into any speed specifications (many older routers are not capable of transmitting to/from the internet faster than 10 Mbps, even though the local ports transmit in 100 Mbps). Also, older routers may be underpowered, so that even though the theoretical speed is 10 Mbps, the processor on the router is too weak to reach maximum speed.
    10. Upgrade your router firmware. Check the manufacturer's web site for firmware downloads for your router. Compare this with your version, and upgrade if necessary. Most routers have web interfaces for managing this, check for any labels on your router specifying default address, username and password.
    11. Replace your old cable modem. Any solid-state electronics will degrade over time due to accumulated heat damage. Your broadband modem will have a harder and harder time 'concentrating' on maintaining a good connection as it gets older (signal to noise ratios will go down, and the number of resend requests for the same packet will go up). An after-market cable modem as opposed to a cable-company modem will frequently offer a better connection.
    12. Often your connection speed is slow because other programs are using it. To test if other programs, such as anti-virus and other updates, are accessing the Internet without your knowing, Click Start, Click Run. Type "cmd" (without quotes). Type "netstat -b 5 > activity.txt". After a minute or so, hold down Ctrl and press C. This has created a file with a list of all programs using your Internet connection. Type activity.txt to open the file and view the program list.
    13. Try pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete simultaneously and open up the Task Manager. Go to the process menu and close those processes that may be stealing your valuable bandwidth. (NOTE: Closing processes with unknown filenames may cause known programs to not function properly). There is a column with the User Name, and if that is "System", you'd better leave it alone until you stop using the program that needs it. But if the User is your own login name, then it is not crucial to the operating system, but may be needed by other programs, however you may experiment. Often the system will not allow closing of -- or will reopen -- needed system programs.
    14. After you have tried some of this try your connection again and see if it's running any faster. If it is better you may need to close those extras each time you restart your system until you set the startup list to not open them anymore.
    15. Check to see somebody else is using the internet on your home network. If somebody is downloading a lot of media from the internet, such as watching video or downloading large files, the host computer is using a lot of bandwidth and the other computers are using the remaining bandwidth.
    16. If you are using satelite internet, your internet connection might be altered because of wind (vibrations) and electrical activity in/among clouds, heavy snow, or rain and lightning, static, or other electrical interference.


    • Call your ISP and have them verify all of your TCP/IP settings if you are concerned. Ask them to verify that your Proxy settings are correct.
    • Don't expect dial up or moderate speed service to be fast. The Internet is primarily geared towards Broadband Connections, which is about 512kbs or higher Sometimes, you have to wait a little.
    • Download programs that make browsing faster:
      • is a browser inside of a browser that loads web pages without the images.
      • Firefox and Opera both have options to disable images.
      • In Firefox, you can also use extensions such as NoScript that let you block scripts and plug-ins that would otherwise slow things down a lot.
      • If you are using Internet Explorer or Firefox, try downloading Google Web Accelerator. It is meant to speed up broadband connections, but it can also slow your Internet connection. Try enabling it and disabling it and see when your Internet connection runs faster.
      • If you are using Firefox, download the Fasterfox extension and Firetune.
      • Reduce the amount of programs running that use your Internet connection (Instant Messengers, RSS Feeders, and MS Applications set to send Internet data)
      • Google Accessible is designed to search pages in order of how clean they are of junk. This will bring up pages that are usually not only easy to read, but are quick to load.
    • Upgrade your RAM by getting more and/or faster memory. This will not only improve your regular computer use, but it will affect the speed of your Internet connection because your computer works faster.
    • Use the Stop button to stop loading pages once you've gotten or seen what you want.
    • Some times malware on your computer can eat up your bandwidth. Make sure you have an up-to-date malware protection program.
    • Most Internet Providers have flaky DNS servers (no citation necessary, it's a given) - so, instead of using those provided by your ISP, switch your DNS servers to use those of OpenDNS. OpenDNS is far faster, and more reliable, simply using and as your domain name servers will speed up most flaky DNS problems (may even speed up your networking since OpenDNS has large caches).
    • Look into running your own local DNS server on your network. Some newer routers may include their own nameserver, otherwise, check into's FastCache program, it works great to hold commonly accessed domain names in the "cache" so that the IP addresses do not have to be looked up everytime you navigate to a new page.
    • Keep current, updated anti-spyware, anti-virus and firewall programs, but you can have too many toolbars trying to verify and block the same sites. This may interfere with each other, creating conflicts. Use trusted download sites such as,,, and,, and such which do a scan/check for problems in programs before posting them. Use the well-known sites for utility, shareware and freeware, then the programs are very likely to be safe, free programs.
    • Avoid offbrand, lesser known, free-/share-ware software download-sites which "might be good", but should be checked, as best you can, as unknown ones might contain "unwanted or bad add-ons" such as viruses that may damage computers and disrupt software:
      • Advertising-ware (adware),
      • Spyware-trackers (often just report clicks on ads to get paid, or popup their own ads for selling something), or
      • Contain untrusted tracking-cookies,
      • Backdoor/trojan (hidden) programs, that could steal account info, identity.


    • Viruses and malware can often use up your bandwidth and slow down your Internet connection. Make sure you have protection against this. Many ISP's will provide software for this. Make sure your anti-virus and malware scanners are up-to-date.
    • Bypassing the router will leave you more vulnerable to attacks because you no longer have the built-in firewall from your router protecting you.
    • Watch out for scams that may popup or be found on websites that claim to check your computer or Internet to tell you how much faster it could go, for free. They are often only a scanner to report "problems", but will usually not fix them until you (pay to) register the software or get the pro-version for their promised "remedy".
    • Only download from the well-known free-/share-ware sites, then you may avoid programs that might do harm on your computer and/or other computers on your local network.

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